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Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Putin; a Short Analysis

In the first few days following Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the internet was buzzing with chatter, but as is the norm, that chatter has begun to die down. One may be left wondering what good came of that interview; what purpose did it serve; what effects may it have had? The following discourse will explore these questions. 

According to Carlson, his desire to interview the Russian politician dates back some time and was stymied by the US Intelligence agencies and their various partners within the DOJ and the State Department amongst others – which very well could be the subject of its own lengthy article. While no concrete evidence of this is overtly available to link here, it seems logical that there is Truth to Carlson’s statements given the similar treatment by these intelligence Agencies of other prominent people of that day, such as:  George Papadopoulus, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and a whole host of others.

Could Carlson’s desire to interview Putin come from a desire to elevate his own career? Perhaps Carlson sees something in Putin that he respects and admires. Maybe Carlson just wanted to spend time getting to know a man he sees as a kindred spirit of sorts. It has certainly been easy for many analysts of the left-leaning media outlets to cast such aspersions on Tucker, attributing his true desire for the interview as pure vanity.

Despite these subjective hypotheses, Carlson himself detailed in a follow up talk at the World Governments Summit just how timely in nature the interview was, and how it is his sincere hope that relations between Nations may be strengthened by having such a thought-provoking interview. The discussion he and the moderator had delved down deep, much deeper than any of the discussions happening in the American media following the Putin interview.

Towards the end of the discussion Carlson details the profound changes happening in our world today and how the true struggle of mankind is a Spiritual one. It is on this point that Carlson hits an axiom that the modern world is often willfully ignorant of. In Russia, however, religion is still strong and most Russian citizens have profound attachments to what we consider to be Judeo-Christian values.

In this regard Many of the western nations should have more in common than we observe in the world today. As mass-migration orchestrated by bad actors has severely impacted the homogeneity of many nation states, the delicate balance between social order and thirsty aspiration has grown ever more tenuous. 

It seems in many ways that the world is at a great crossroads in the present. Long-established moral, ethical, and liberal principles as well as long-held alliances between nations, states, and municipalities hang in the balance. In some places we have seen hopeful indicators that a realignment towards righteousness is coming. The new President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele has made huge strides in turning his country from the most dangerous nation, to one of the safest on the globe. We have seen similar movements in other places, such as Argentina who just successfully put Javier Milei into power.

Only time will tell which way the future will go, but we must have Faith that the true universal power is guiding us. The time to choose order over strife is now; peace and prosperity over chaos and adversity. Carlson seems to share the sentiment that now is a time to sit at the table with Great Men in power, to find consensus, to put old grievances to bed, and to move boldly and bravely into a bright future.


Ignore Her!

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, congresswoman ‘AOC’ is calling on the Biden administration to simply “ignore” the ruling from a Texas federal judge that would halt the FDA’s approval of an abortion-inducing pill. She seems to show no shame or irony as she calls for the flouting of federal law, but considering Democrat’s history of such attitudes and behaviors, one shouldn’t really be surprised.

Though I’m sure there are countless examples, I can readily think of only a few that parallel the sentiment she is expressing on the National broadcast with Anderson. After the 2008 housing market crash there were calls from Democrats to “Stay in your Homes” despite bank foreclosures and legal eviction proceedings. The “occupy Wall-street” movement of those days seemed to have a very strong foothold among the liberals of that day, just as more recent movements such as “Black Lives Matter” were met with many of the same attitudes from the same crowd.

Liberals asked us to imagine fiery and violent protests as a “summer of love,” and of course they excused the actions of the protestors in the aftermath of the George Floyd overdose. George Soros funded District Attorneys chose not to prosecute the perpetrators of the countless property damage crimes that were committed, however the people who entered the capital building on January 1st were quickly judged as guilty and some are still rotting in jail to this day without having the right to a trial. 

Many of the crimes committed by the current administration, such as the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that killed 13 service members are being ignored. And meanwhile the liberals on capital hill, such as AOC, ask us to ignore federal law so that abortions can continue to be available to any “birthing person” seeking the medicine… well in my humble opinion it is time to ignore her, and her ilk. There is only one path forward and it is to keep on trucking – not to look aside, ignore the truth, or get down into the weeds with someone as low-IQ as her.

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Trump Desantis Head to Head

With Trump’s name in the news more and more due to the recent legal developments out of New York, it is becoming clearer and clearer that he and Florida Governor Ron Desantis are headed into what is sure to be a nail-biter of a head to head battle for the Republican nomination. Recent polls show Trump climbing above Desantis where it had been the opposite only a couple of months ago. This is surely a testament to the human psyche. Trump is center stage again whereas Desantis is feeling the effects of the adage that “what is out of sight is out of mind.” 

Trump, who is certainly no stranger to press, public scrutiny, and legal persecution is now gaining some sympathy from voters who consider themselves in the middle or who were otherwise non-committal concerning the 2024 political hopefuls. As yet another seemingly “trumped-up” case drags the former President back into the court room, hearts and minds sway. When the legal genius of former CIA deputy director Andrew McCabe who is now a contributor for CNN admits to their viewers that the case against Trump is a “disappointment” due to it’s seeming lack of teeth – even the more liberal minds may begin to doubt if the day will ever come that sees Trump behind bars as pundits on CNN have been promising for years on end. An audience can surely only eat the same baloney so many times before they begin to turn away in disgust.

The question arises how Desantis may feel about these changes in polling and seeming popularity. Trump has the clout of having already won the National race in the infamous 2016 cycle, but will this and the new publicity regarding the latest round of politically-charged prosecutions be enough to secure another win? Desantis has of course never stated that he will in fact run for the presidency in the upcoming cycle, but his name has been in the forefront of many hearts, minds, and political polls with many taking it for granted that he will indeed run. 

A new report from the Washington Examiner detailing that Trump appears to be trying to “poach” some of the Florida Governor’s largest donors, makes this author wonder whether Desantis may indeed switch gears and pursue his own ambitions with a gusto that he has been hesitant to exhibit thus far. Only time will tell, but when one’s source of funding comes into question men have a habit of reacting. Whether Desantis intends to run for President or not, he surely has future ambitions, and to lose some of his biggest donors to former President Trump may hinder his abilities to raise capital and fund future campaigns.

As we watch the race unfold, more and more scrutiny will be applied to these two men. Trump has missed no punches making clear his ambitions and goals to be seated as the 47th President. As of the publishing of this article it appears that the ball is in Desantis’s court to make his decision and to fight to clear his own path to the primary nomination on the Republican ticket if he wants it.

Conservative Conversations

Our 2022 Predictions

Recorded on 01/12/2022. In our first official recording of 2022, we are back with our 2nd annual predictions for the coming year.  Since the recording took place, a couple of our predictions seem to be coming true already. Tune in and hear what Reid and Frank think will happen in 2022. We would also love to hear your own predictions, so feel free to email them to us.

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1989 Ford Interview on a Female President

Inflation jumped 7% last year, biggest gain since 1982

North Korea claims successful test of hypersonic missile

North Korea claims Kim Jong Un’s dad invented the burrito

US Army to conduct a two-week ‘guerilla war’ training exercise in the woods of North Carolina

Supreme Court Home Page

Justice Sotomayor Falsely Claims 100,000 Children in ‘Serious Condition’ from Covid

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Conservative Conversations

Redistricting, the Return of Hilldog?, Build Back Better, and Silly Lib Language.

Recorded on 12/20/2021. In this episode, Reid and Frank talk about a few different topics. The conversation covers some of the latest news about the ongoing redistricting process, all the way up to the latest liberal lingo.

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Dems control the House by only 3 seats. Here’s how redistricting efforts could affect that

‘I totally got f***ed’ in redistricting,’ House Democrat gripes

Nevada redistricting bill signed by Sisolak after split Assembly vote

Democrats could make sizeable gains in Pennsylvania legislature under proposed new maps

Redistricting Map Tracker: How redistricting is shaping the 2022 U.S. House map

Speculation Grows That Hillary Clinton Positioning Herself To Run Again In 2024

Jimmy Failla: Hillary Clinton is ‘absolutely’ running for president again

‘I’d Like To Point Out A Few Pieces In This Bill’: Scalise Shreds Build Back Better Bill

What’s Left In “Build Back Better” Act? | The View

Biden acknowledges Build Back Better roadblocks, says talks with Manchin ongoing

Joe Manchin: ‘I cannot vote’ for Build Back Better amid ‘real’ inflation

U.S. National Debt Clock

New Poll Shows Only 2% of Hispanics Use Term Latinx, Many Find It Offensive.

Florida’s GOP Latina lt. gov. has a message for wokesters pushing the term ‘Latinx’: Go scratch

Woke Language: The Left’s New Terminology

Conservative Conversations


Recorded on 10/12/2021. In this episode, the host talk about shocking material that parents are finding in their children’s high school libraries, good reasons for why we have a 2nd Amendment, informational censorship, and Facebook.

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School Board Squirms As Mom Reads Them The Gay Porn In Books Available To Students

Lego vows to remove gender bias from its toys

Ex-con escapes after attacking deputy, who was placed on life support and won’t recover. But manhunt ends after homeowner shoots ex-con

More than 250 people arrested during lockdown protests in Australia

Rand Paul Attacks Dr. Fauci (Again) Over Vaccines, Covid Mandates

Facebook Files: 5 things leaked documents reveal

Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates?

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There’

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Conservative Conversations


Recorded on 07/26/2021. In this third and final segment, the hosts talk about the ongoing border crisis and we examine how easily the population of many U.S. cities can seemingly be changed over night.

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Conservative Conversations


Recorded on 07/26/2021. This is part 2 of 3. In this segment, Frank and Reid spend some time talking about various topics surrounding COVID. Ranging from vaccine effectiveness compared to natural immunity, and why there isn’t much focus on the study of antibodies against COVID. We encourage you to go back and listen to part 1, if you haven’t already.

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Conservative Conversations


Recorded on 07/26/2021. We’re back with another multi-part episode. In this Part1, Frank and Reid talk about what we think of the “race and ethnicity” demographics question found on surveys, the FBI possibly knowing more about Jan 6th than is suggested, and a survey conducted about out of work Americans.

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Conservative Conversations


Recorded on 06/27/2021. This is part 2 of the Update Episode. If you haven’t yet, we encourage you to go back and listen to part 1. In this portion of the episode, we continue discussing previous stories and topics we’ve covered, and providing updates to the stories and whether or not our predictions have come true. Or if they have changed any.

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