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Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Putin; a Short Analysis

In the first few days following Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the internet was buzzing with chatter, but as is the norm, that chatter has begun to die down. One may be left wondering what good came of that interview; what purpose did it serve; what effects may it have had? The following discourse will explore these questions. 

According to Carlson, his desire to interview the Russian politician dates back some time and was stymied by the US Intelligence agencies and their various partners within the DOJ and the State Department amongst others – which very well could be the subject of its own lengthy article. While no concrete evidence of this is overtly available to link here, it seems logical that there is Truth to Carlson’s statements given the similar treatment by these intelligence Agencies of other prominent people of that day, such as:  George Papadopoulus, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and a whole host of others.

Could Carlson’s desire to interview Putin come from a desire to elevate his own career? Perhaps Carlson sees something in Putin that he respects and admires. Maybe Carlson just wanted to spend time getting to know a man he sees as a kindred spirit of sorts. It has certainly been easy for many analysts of the left-leaning media outlets to cast such aspersions on Tucker, attributing his true desire for the interview as pure vanity.

Despite these subjective hypotheses, Carlson himself detailed in a follow up talk at the World Governments Summit just how timely in nature the interview was, and how it is his sincere hope that relations between Nations may be strengthened by having such a thought-provoking interview. The discussion he and the moderator had delved down deep, much deeper than any of the discussions happening in the American media following the Putin interview.

Towards the end of the discussion Carlson details the profound changes happening in our world today and how the true struggle of mankind is a Spiritual one. It is on this point that Carlson hits an axiom that the modern world is often willfully ignorant of. In Russia, however, religion is still strong and most Russian citizens have profound attachments to what we consider to be Judeo-Christian values.

In this regard Many of the western nations should have more in common than we observe in the world today. As mass-migration orchestrated by bad actors has severely impacted the homogeneity of many nation states, the delicate balance between social order and thirsty aspiration has grown ever more tenuous. 

It seems in many ways that the world is at a great crossroads in the present. Long-established moral, ethical, and liberal principles as well as long-held alliances between nations, states, and municipalities hang in the balance. In some places we have seen hopeful indicators that a realignment towards righteousness is coming. The new President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele has made huge strides in turning his country from the most dangerous nation, to one of the safest on the globe. We have seen similar movements in other places, such as Argentina who just successfully put Javier Milei into power.

Only time will tell which way the future will go, but we must have Faith that the true universal power is guiding us. The time to choose order over strife is now; peace and prosperity over chaos and adversity. Carlson seems to share the sentiment that now is a time to sit at the table with Great Men in power, to find consensus, to put old grievances to bed, and to move boldly and bravely into a bright future.

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Sec. of Defense is Hospitalized and Budget Deadlines Come Again

Recorded on 1/8/24. In this episode, Reid and Frank talk about how Lloyd Austin went MIA, as well as taking a look at the anniversary of January 6th. We also have time to discuss Congressional funding and a possible shutdown, and more.

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DOD second in command told of Austin’s hospitalization 2 days after taking over some of his duties

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin remains hospitalized after mystery procedure; DoD remains mum on release

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Schumer, Johnson Announce New 2024 Budget Deal—But Government Shutdown Threat Remains


Ignore Her!

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, congresswoman ‘AOC’ is calling on the Biden administration to simply “ignore” the ruling from a Texas federal judge that would halt the FDA’s approval of an abortion-inducing pill. She seems to show no shame or irony as she calls for the flouting of federal law, but considering Democrat’s history of such attitudes and behaviors, one shouldn’t really be surprised.

Though I’m sure there are countless examples, I can readily think of only a few that parallel the sentiment she is expressing on the National broadcast with Anderson. After the 2008 housing market crash there were calls from Democrats to “Stay in your Homes” despite bank foreclosures and legal eviction proceedings. The “occupy Wall-street” movement of those days seemed to have a very strong foothold among the liberals of that day, just as more recent movements such as “Black Lives Matter” were met with many of the same attitudes from the same crowd.

Liberals asked us to imagine fiery and violent protests as a “summer of love,” and of course they excused the actions of the protestors in the aftermath of the George Floyd overdose. George Soros funded District Attorneys chose not to prosecute the perpetrators of the countless property damage crimes that were committed, however the people who entered the capital building on January 1st were quickly judged as guilty and some are still rotting in jail to this day without having the right to a trial. 

Many of the crimes committed by the current administration, such as the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that killed 13 service members are being ignored. And meanwhile the liberals on capital hill, such as AOC, ask us to ignore federal law so that abortions can continue to be available to any “birthing person” seeking the medicine… well in my humble opinion it is time to ignore her, and her ilk. There is only one path forward and it is to keep on trucking – not to look aside, ignore the truth, or get down into the weeds with someone as low-IQ as her.

Conservative Conversations

Redistricting, the Return of Hilldog?, Build Back Better, and Silly Lib Language.

Recorded on 12/20/2021. In this episode, Reid and Frank talk about a few different topics. The conversation covers some of the latest news about the ongoing redistricting process, all the way up to the latest liberal lingo.

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Conservative Conversations


Recorded on 03/29/2021. Nearly 2 months late, but it’s finally here. In this episode, the host cover topics ranging from misleading COVID numbers to Sen. Manchin being pressured to support D.C. statehood.

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Conservative Conversations


In this conversation, our hosts talk about the the hearings on capital hill with the heads of “Big Tech”, and what may become of them.

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Conservative Conversations


In this episode, our hosts talk about the possibility of any Corona virus relief getting passed before the big election.

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In this Conversations episode, the guys play with the CNN interactive Road to 270 electoral map. They briefly talk about how CNN currently predicts the map breakdown, and then they walk you through their electoral predictions. Listen to the end to see what states we think will vote red, and how many electoral votes Trump will end up with.

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Unity Schmunity

     If you are like me, and hundreds of millions of other Americans, you were left shocked, horrified,  and speechless when you saw or heard the news of the riots at the capitol. It was really one of the saddest days I have witnessed, in regards to our country’s history. For the first few days after the events, I felt sadness and shame. Sadness, because it seemed like everything conservatives have worked for over the past 4 to 5 years just went up in smoke. Shame, because the people who participated in acts claimed to be doing it in the name of Republicans and conservatism, and because it was simply an embarrassment for our country as a whole. It was a dark day in our American history, and one I hope I never live through again. I condemn every bit of violence and every act of evil committed on that day. The storming of the capitol was not conservatism.

     Despite the tragic events of the day, there was a glint of hope and light that took place. Once relative peace had been restore to the capitol, congress reconvened to finish their duty of certifying the states electors. Mike Pence, being the great man that he is, gave a speech that represents the strength and resilience of America. Below is what he had to say.

“I want to thank the federal, state, and local law enforcement. The violence was quelled. The Capitol is secured and the people’s work continues. We condemn the violence that took place here in the strongest possible terms. We grieve the loss of life in these hallowed halls, as well as the injuries suffered by those who defended our Capitol today. And we will always be grateful to the men and women who stayed at their posts to defend this historic place. To those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today, you did not win. Violence never wins. Freedom wins, and this is still the people’s house. And as we reconvene in this chamber, the world will again witness the resilience and strength of our democracy, for even in the wake of unprecedented violence and vandalism at this Capitol, the elected representatives of the people of the United States have assembled again on the very same day to support and defend the constitution of the United States. So may God bless the loss, the injured, and the heroes forged on this day. May God bless all who serve here, and those who protect this place. And may God bless the United States of America. Let’s get back to work.”

     Even rereading his words to write this article causes me to be teary eyed. The Vice President is right. Freedom wins, and they proved the resilience and strength of our democracy by doing exactly what he said at the end of his speech. Congress got back to work, within hours of the violence and destruction they witnessed. For one brief moment, there was unity in our country. Coming together to show our democracy will not be stopped by violence.

*screeching tires and breaking glass*

     Unity Schmunity. Despite Biden’s inauguration theme of unity, Democrats are not interested in unity. Instead of following VP Pence’s example, they were quick to blame Republicans for the riots and inject race into the issue. It doesn’t matter that Republican senators like Mitch McConnell and Mike Lee, and congressmen like Chip Roy, or even the vice president himself, were not in support of objecting to the electoral certification, they are blamed by the left for the insurrection. One of the newest members of “The Squad”, Cori Bush, says that Republican members of congress “encouraged” the riots. Furthermore, a whole host of talking heads blamed anybody who supported President Trump.

     With President Unity about to take office, you would think Biden would have simply acknowledged the tragedy of the capitol riots, and committed to work with Republicans to make sure such events do not happen again, and to work towards bringing our deeply divided country back together.  He chose to do the exact opposite. Only one day after what happened, Joe Biden turns it into a race issue.  He said, “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, there wouldn’t have been… they wouldn’t have been treated very very differently.”. Joe Biden is actually right, but not in the way he thinks. They would have been treated differently, by actually being able to burn down the capitol. Democrats and the media want us to forget about all the riots that took place over the summer. If Youtube hasn’t been given the word to remove them, you can go find hours of video footage where officers are not arresting vandals and looters while others burn down innocent people’s businesses and property. A capitol police officer shot and killed one of the rioters. No BLM “protester” was killed during the riots over the past summer.

     If you click on the link of the talking heads, one woman even admits they don’t care about unity. So the only unity that needs to happen is among conservatives. We need to take the good lessons we learned from Trump, and leave the bad. We have to continue to fight in the culture war, stand up for truth, and believe in the values that make us Americans. We need to avoid being brash and volatile in the pursuit of those goals. For all the good Donald Trump did for the conservative movement, it is hard not to admit his personality made our fight challenging.

     Soon Joe Biden will be our president, and the years of Trump will be further and further behind us. In no way is our conservative fight over. It has only just been kicked into high gear. We have a long road ahead of us until 2024. So, sharpen your minds, steel your nerves, and prepare for the eternal battle against leftism.