Conservative Conversations

Redistricting, the Return of Hilldog?, Build Back Better, and Silly Lib Language.

Recorded on 12/20/2021. In this episode, Reid and Frank talk about a few different topics. The conversation covers some of the latest news about the ongoing redistricting process, all the way up to the latest liberal lingo.

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Dems control the House by only 3 seats. Here’s how redistricting efforts could affect that

‘I totally got f***ed’ in redistricting,’ House Democrat gripes

Nevada redistricting bill signed by Sisolak after split Assembly vote

Democrats could make sizeable gains in Pennsylvania legislature under proposed new maps

Redistricting Map Tracker: How redistricting is shaping the 2022 U.S. House map

Speculation Grows That Hillary Clinton Positioning Herself To Run Again In 2024

Jimmy Failla: Hillary Clinton is ‘absolutely’ running for president again

‘I’d Like To Point Out A Few Pieces In This Bill’: Scalise Shreds Build Back Better Bill

What’s Left In “Build Back Better” Act? | The View

Biden acknowledges Build Back Better roadblocks, says talks with Manchin ongoing

Joe Manchin: ‘I cannot vote’ for Build Back Better amid ‘real’ inflation

U.S. National Debt Clock

New Poll Shows Only 2% of Hispanics Use Term Latinx, Many Find It Offensive.

Florida’s GOP Latina lt. gov. has a message for wokesters pushing the term ‘Latinx’: Go scratch

Woke Language: The Left’s New Terminology

Conservative Conversations


Recorded on 12/09/2021. After a bit of a break, the hosts are back. In this episode, Frank and Reid talk about a Supreme Court case that was recently heard, the Omicron COVID shots, and a few other interesting topics. Tune in to hear what the guys have to say.

You can now find our podcast on Youtube still in audio form. The link to the channel will be below. Please like, comment, share, and subscribe.

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SCOTUS Docket File for Carson v. Makin

Carson v. Makin Oral Arguments Transcript

Carson v. Makin Oral Arguments Audio

Supreme Court Preview: Carson v. Makin – Harvard Law Today

Supreme Court Preview: Carson v. Makin – Notre Dame Law

Pfizer CEO: Omicron Variant Could Mean Fourth Vaccine Dose Needed Sooner Than Expected

Omicron significantly reduces Covid antibody protection in small study of Pfizer vaccine

Twelve Major Cities With New Homicide Records in 2021 All Led By Democrats

‘It’s just crazy’: 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records

ABC Gun Violence Tracker

They Finally Admit It’s Here To Stay

Gutfeld: This is what is destroying America

Conservative Conversations


Recorded on 03/21/2021. Sorry for the delay. In this episode, the hosts took a look at some news across the web. A segment where we pick a couple of headlines from the “News Across the Web” page on our website, and talk about the articles. Topics this time include Joe Biden’s fall and the filibuster.

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Conservative Conversations


In this episode, the guys discuss election news and the future of conservativism.

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Iceberg Ahead

Just as Captain Edward John Smith stood on the deck of the world’s most famous ship, iceberg warning in hand; so stands Joe Biden, ordering the United States faster and faster into dangerous waters.

In the days leading up to the notorious shipwreck, many warnings of treacherous waters ahead had been received by the Captain and crew, and despite the seriousness of these warnings, the sheer ego of a man bound for retirement upon his arrival in New York, driving an “unsinkable ship” caused such enormous destruction.

So too, will Joe Biden sink what we believe to be “the World’s Largest Economy”. On the subject of his proposed $15 per hour minimum wage, the Congressional Budget Office predicts a hemorrhaging of jobs to the tune of 3.7 million! This already comes on the back of canning the XL Pipeline project (a projected 11,000 jobs) and canning the border wall project, another several thousand jobs or more, and despite the fact that it has already been funded by Congress.

These job losses are just the tip of the iceberg that promises to permanently sink our economy. Rising energy costs from such piss-poor decision making as an abandonment of the pipeline project will itself drive up the cost of common household goods. As the cost to produce common materials rises, so will the end products being consumed. The new administration is also considering many new taxes, to include a carbon tax on emissions, which will only add fuel to the inflation fire.

While some liberal projections estimate a $15 per hour minimum wage will inject as much as 8 trillion dollars into the hands of a few in the lowest echelons of society, we must consider at what cost this will come. While it stands to reason that some few individuals may indeed benefit by having their wages doubled, it also logically follows that many more people will find themselves unable to even get their foot in the door of employment at all.

I fear, in time, many more people than ever before will find themselves unemployed, unemployable, and stuck at home, while energy and food costs will threaten the very lives of these newly impoverished. I write this not so I can say “I told you so” in the future but merely to ring the alarm bell now. There is indeed an iceberg ahead, and we are driving straight towards it.


Unity Schmunity

     If you are like me, and hundreds of millions of other Americans, you were left shocked, horrified,  and speechless when you saw or heard the news of the riots at the capitol. It was really one of the saddest days I have witnessed, in regards to our country’s history. For the first few days after the events, I felt sadness and shame. Sadness, because it seemed like everything conservatives have worked for over the past 4 to 5 years just went up in smoke. Shame, because the people who participated in acts claimed to be doing it in the name of Republicans and conservatism, and because it was simply an embarrassment for our country as a whole. It was a dark day in our American history, and one I hope I never live through again. I condemn every bit of violence and every act of evil committed on that day. The storming of the capitol was not conservatism.

     Despite the tragic events of the day, there was a glint of hope and light that took place. Once relative peace had been restore to the capitol, congress reconvened to finish their duty of certifying the states electors. Mike Pence, being the great man that he is, gave a speech that represents the strength and resilience of America. Below is what he had to say.

“I want to thank the federal, state, and local law enforcement. The violence was quelled. The Capitol is secured and the people’s work continues. We condemn the violence that took place here in the strongest possible terms. We grieve the loss of life in these hallowed halls, as well as the injuries suffered by those who defended our Capitol today. And we will always be grateful to the men and women who stayed at their posts to defend this historic place. To those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today, you did not win. Violence never wins. Freedom wins, and this is still the people’s house. And as we reconvene in this chamber, the world will again witness the resilience and strength of our democracy, for even in the wake of unprecedented violence and vandalism at this Capitol, the elected representatives of the people of the United States have assembled again on the very same day to support and defend the constitution of the United States. So may God bless the loss, the injured, and the heroes forged on this day. May God bless all who serve here, and those who protect this place. And may God bless the United States of America. Let’s get back to work.”

     Even rereading his words to write this article causes me to be teary eyed. The Vice President is right. Freedom wins, and they proved the resilience and strength of our democracy by doing exactly what he said at the end of his speech. Congress got back to work, within hours of the violence and destruction they witnessed. For one brief moment, there was unity in our country. Coming together to show our democracy will not be stopped by violence.

*screeching tires and breaking glass*

     Unity Schmunity. Despite Biden’s inauguration theme of unity, Democrats are not interested in unity. Instead of following VP Pence’s example, they were quick to blame Republicans for the riots and inject race into the issue. It doesn’t matter that Republican senators like Mitch McConnell and Mike Lee, and congressmen like Chip Roy, or even the vice president himself, were not in support of objecting to the electoral certification, they are blamed by the left for the insurrection. One of the newest members of “The Squad”, Cori Bush, says that Republican members of congress “encouraged” the riots. Furthermore, a whole host of talking heads blamed anybody who supported President Trump.

     With President Unity about to take office, you would think Biden would have simply acknowledged the tragedy of the capitol riots, and committed to work with Republicans to make sure such events do not happen again, and to work towards bringing our deeply divided country back together.  He chose to do the exact opposite. Only one day after what happened, Joe Biden turns it into a race issue.  He said, “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, there wouldn’t have been… they wouldn’t have been treated very very differently.”. Joe Biden is actually right, but not in the way he thinks. They would have been treated differently, by actually being able to burn down the capitol. Democrats and the media want us to forget about all the riots that took place over the summer. If Youtube hasn’t been given the word to remove them, you can go find hours of video footage where officers are not arresting vandals and looters while others burn down innocent people’s businesses and property. A capitol police officer shot and killed one of the rioters. No BLM “protester” was killed during the riots over the past summer.

     If you click on the link of the talking heads, one woman even admits they don’t care about unity. So the only unity that needs to happen is among conservatives. We need to take the good lessons we learned from Trump, and leave the bad. We have to continue to fight in the culture war, stand up for truth, and believe in the values that make us Americans. We need to avoid being brash and volatile in the pursuit of those goals. For all the good Donald Trump did for the conservative movement, it is hard not to admit his personality made our fight challenging.

     Soon Joe Biden will be our president, and the years of Trump will be further and further behind us. In no way is our conservative fight over. It has only just been kicked into high gear. We have a long road ahead of us until 2024. So, sharpen your minds, steel your nerves, and prepare for the eternal battle against leftism.


Debate Debacle

Many of the headlines and commentaries following the first round of Presidential debates have some consensus: “shit show”. This was CNN’s take at the conclusion of the debate, and surely this is the first story they have gotten right all year.

The blame for last night’s train wreck lies squarely with the train’s conductor, Chris Wallace. His tenure at Fox has been a disappointment to many, and for many years. His character and mannerisms have led many to question his motivations, often appearing “soft” on or supportive of established D. C. Politicians, giving the impression that he is left-leaning.

Much of what we witnessed last night was two men having an argument while a small child begged for attention in the background. As a moderator, Wallace’s performance was so piss-poor that any average parent could have kept better order. He needed a whistle, an air horn, to cut the mics of the politicians on stage, turn off the lights, or zap them with shock collars; he could have run out on stage with a stop sign, a yield sign, and a “GO” sign.

When a moderator such as Wallace, has no balls, and is twice as pompous and narcissistic as the politicians he is moderating we get what we got last night. With so many interruptions, men talking at the same time, no one staying on point, and Wallace giving a turkey’s call in the background: the average viewer is left to draw their own conclusions.

So what did you take away from this debate?