
9/11 and January 6th; an Analysis

Three years after the incident at the Capital January 6th 2021, tempers still flare up on all sides. Some people feel that the incident that day has been grossly over exaggerated, over politicized, and over prosecuted while others feel the opposite: that too little has been done, that the process has taken too long, and that the individuals involved should receive no quarter.

Truth be told, this author sides with the camp that views the reactions to January 6th as a blatant sham – a kangaroo court in a banana republic seeking to deal “Justice” that fails to match the crime in question. Appallingly, some talking heads in the mainstream media have compared the events of January 6th to the terror attack on the World Trade Center September 11, 2001.

Such a comparison seems beyond the pale. The number of victims on January 6th is in single digits (five, according to the New York Times) whereas nearly 3,000 victims perished on 9/11. With this in mind, it is hard to fathom why a comparison would ever be made between the two events. Should the desire be to call the folks involved with January 6th “terrorists,” it is logical that you could do so without the comparison to the worst attack on American Soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The incongruent numbers don’t only exist between the number of victims, but also between the number of individuals charged with crimes related to the two events. 23 years after 9/11, approximately 992 individuals have been charged in relation to the terror attack that cost 3,000 people their lives. However, only three years after January 6th, nearly 1,300 people have faced criminal charges with a possibility of many more yet to be charged.

It should be noted that January 6th, 2021 was a dark day in American history and that we at do not condone the actions taken by the mob who stormed the capital and delayed the certification of the election results by a period of hours. However, it seems clear as crystal that a comparison to the shocking events of 9/11 is perverse and inappropriate.

As time marches on, it will be interesting to continue to evaluate the media coverage and public sentiment surrounding January 6th. Hopefully such comparisons as those being made to 9/11 will cease (as they were never appropriate in the first place). 9/11 should remain to be what it was – the darkest day America has faced in this millennia.

The Wicky Wacky Radio Show

What Kind of Funny Are You?

In our recent episode of the Wicky Wacky Radio Show, Frank had Reid give answers to an online quiz. This short quiz will determine what kind of “funny” you are. Go ahead and take the quiz yourself, and let us know what kind of funny you are by leaving a comment on this post. Be sure to listen to episode 37 “It’s Test Time!” to find out what results Reid and Frank got.

Take the quiz here:

The Wicky Wacky Radio Show

It’s Test Time!

Settle down, class! It’s time to take a test.

In this episode, Frank and Reid will be talking about taking tests. They’ll also share a few funny and sassy test answers found on the internet. Be sure to stick around for the whole episode, because there will be a test for you listeners.

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Ron Desantis Suspends His 2024 Election Campaign

Recorded on 01/22/2024. In this episode, Frank and Reid talk about Ron DeSantis suspending his presidential campaign, and how we think that effects the race. They also talk about the current state of foreign affairs, NPR’s coverage of the March for Life, and more. So be sure to listen to this great conversation to hear what we have to say.

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The Wicky Wacky Radio Show

The Goosebumps Guy

This time around the guys are discussing a local author who grew up right down the road from our studio here in Columbus, OH! That’s right you guessed it, the Goosebumps Guy himself, R.L. Stine! Turns out this author is kind of a character!!! Find out what we learned about him when you listen to this intriguing episode.

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Sec. of Defense is Hospitalized and Budget Deadlines Come Again

Recorded on 1/8/24. In this episode, Reid and Frank talk about how Lloyd Austin went MIA, as well as taking a look at the anniversary of January 6th. We also have time to discuss Congressional funding and a possible shutdown, and more.

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