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Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Putin; a Short Analysis

In the first few days following Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the internet was buzzing with chatter, but as is the norm, that chatter has begun to die down. One may be left wondering what good came of that interview; what purpose did it serve; what effects may it have had? The following discourse will explore these questions. 

According to Carlson, his desire to interview the Russian politician dates back some time and was stymied by the US Intelligence agencies and their various partners within the DOJ and the State Department amongst others – which very well could be the subject of its own lengthy article. While no concrete evidence of this is overtly available to link here, it seems logical that there is Truth to Carlson’s statements given the similar treatment by these intelligence Agencies of other prominent people of that day, such as:  George Papadopoulus, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and a whole host of others.

Could Carlson’s desire to interview Putin come from a desire to elevate his own career? Perhaps Carlson sees something in Putin that he respects and admires. Maybe Carlson just wanted to spend time getting to know a man he sees as a kindred spirit of sorts. It has certainly been easy for many analysts of the left-leaning media outlets to cast such aspersions on Tucker, attributing his true desire for the interview as pure vanity.

Despite these subjective hypotheses, Carlson himself detailed in a follow up talk at the World Governments Summit just how timely in nature the interview was, and how it is his sincere hope that relations between Nations may be strengthened by having such a thought-provoking interview. The discussion he and the moderator had delved down deep, much deeper than any of the discussions happening in the American media following the Putin interview.

Towards the end of the discussion Carlson details the profound changes happening in our world today and how the true struggle of mankind is a Spiritual one. It is on this point that Carlson hits an axiom that the modern world is often willfully ignorant of. In Russia, however, religion is still strong and most Russian citizens have profound attachments to what we consider to be Judeo-Christian values.

In this regard Many of the western nations should have more in common than we observe in the world today. As mass-migration orchestrated by bad actors has severely impacted the homogeneity of many nation states, the delicate balance between social order and thirsty aspiration has grown ever more tenuous. 

It seems in many ways that the world is at a great crossroads in the present. Long-established moral, ethical, and liberal principles as well as long-held alliances between nations, states, and municipalities hang in the balance. In some places we have seen hopeful indicators that a realignment towards righteousness is coming. The new President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele has made huge strides in turning his country from the most dangerous nation, to one of the safest on the globe. We have seen similar movements in other places, such as Argentina who just successfully put Javier Milei into power.

Only time will tell which way the future will go, but we must have Faith that the true universal power is guiding us. The time to choose order over strife is now; peace and prosperity over chaos and adversity. Carlson seems to share the sentiment that now is a time to sit at the table with Great Men in power, to find consensus, to put old grievances to bed, and to move boldly and bravely into a bright future.