The Wicky Wacky Radio Show

It’s All About Baseball

Let’s Play Ball! In this fun and wacky episode, Frank and Reid are talking all about baseball. It’s baseball season, and we want to share our love for America’s favorite pastime. Not only are we talking about the game, we’re watching the game while we talk about it. So get your peanuts and Cracker Jacks ready, because it’s time to play.

As always, please leave a rating and review if you enjoy what you hear. Be sure to share the show to spread the word. You can also support us directly by making a donation. Don’t forget to check out our other show, Conservative Conversations, for our latest commentary on today’s news. Feel free to send us your feedback directly. All info can be found below. We’d love to hear from you.

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Iran Launches Attacks on Israel and the Abortion Issue Continues to Make Headlines

Recorded on 04/15/2024. In this episode, Reid begins with talking about the recent attacks Iran has launched against Israel, and how foreign affairs have become more unstable. Later in the episode, Frank talks about the abortion issue making headlines, and gets Reid’s opinion on some of the issues.  To hear all that, and more, be sure to listen to this great engaging episode.

If you would love to support our work, you can Donate to our show directly. Your donation and support is greatly appreciated!

If you enjoy our content, please remember to leave a rating and review where ever you get your podcasts. Be sure to also comment and subscribe to our show on Youtube. Please, share it with your friends to spread the word. You can send us your feedback and comments to us directly. Don’t forget to check out our other podcast, the Wicky Wacky Radio Show. All info can be found below.

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Iran Launches Drone Attack on Israel

U.S. Partners With Indo-Pacific Allies

Push for Popular Vote

2017 Tax Cuts Set to Expire

Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

The Abortion Pill Case: What’s at Stake and What’s Next

The Wicky Wacky Radio Show

The Solar Eclipse

Mark the date, April 8th! In this episode, Frank and Reid are talking all about the solar eclipse happening on 04/08/2024. It’s a big deal to a lot of people, and crazy things could happen.  Will it cause traffic jams? Could it be the day of first contact with the aliens? Find out what strange things people believe when you listen to this episode.

25 facts about the 2024 Solar Eclipse

Shepard Smith’s solar eclipse 2017 freakout

The eclipse causes panic

The Simpsons prediction

‘Simpsons’ didn’t predict Baltimore bridge collapse

As always, please leave a rating and review if you enjoy what you hear. Be sure to share the show to spread the word. You can also support us directly by making a donation. Don’t forget to check out our other show, Conservative Conversations, for our latest commentary on today’s news. Feel free to send us your feedback directly. All info can be found below. We’d love to hear from you.

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Conservative Conversations Podcast

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Conservative Conversations

New Fast Food Minimum Wage in California and Terrorism Hits Russia

Recorded on 04/01/2024. In this episode, Reid talks about a new $20 minimum wage in California for fast food workers, and the impacts it could have on the California economy.  Then Frank talks about the terror attack in Russia, and how this could spread to more western countries. Other topics include squatters and the growing impacts of the immigration crisis. Be sure to listen to this great conversation to hear what the hosts have to say.

If you would love to support our work, you can Donate to our show directly. Your donation and support is greatly appreciated!

If you enjoy our content, please remember to leave a rating and review where ever you get your podcasts. Be sure to also comment and subscribe to our show on Youtube. Please, share it with your friends to spread the word. You can send us your feedback and comments to us directly. Don’t forget to check out our other podcast, the Wicky Wacky Radio Show. All info can be found below.

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The Wicky Wacky Radio Show Podcast

The Wicky Wacky Radio Show on Youtube


New $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage in California

Who Gets the new $20 Minimum Wage in California

ISIS claims responsibility for attack at Moscow-area concert

US faces ‘inevitable’ ISIS attacks at home following Moscow massacre: retired general

Moment NYC homeowner is arrested after tense standoff with squatters

‘It’s Burglary’: Florida Sheriff Touts Giving ‘Free-Loaders’ A ‘One-Way Ride’ To Jail

Denver official suggests migrants go to NYC, warning they would ‘suffer even more’ if they stayed