Conservative Conversations

Student Loan Forgiveness Update, Migrants at Martha’s, and 2022 Midterm Senate Races.

Recorded on 10/25/2022. In this episode, Frank and Reid give an update on the Biden Administration’s plan to forgive student loans. They also talk about the Republican governors busing illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities, and they discuss some of the key races for the U.S. Senate in the 2022 election cycle. Be sure to tune in to hear another great conversation.

If you enjoy our content, please remember to leave a rating and review where ever you get your podcasts. Be sure to also comment and subscribe to our show on Youtube. Please, share it with your friends to spread the word. You can send us your feedback and comments to us directly. Don’t forget to check out our other podcast, the Wicky Wacky Radio Show. All info can be found below.

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Federal appeals court temporarily blocks Biden’s student loan forgiveness program

Stay issued on president’s loan forgiveness program

Texas and Arizona Busing Migrants to Other US Cities

Florida’s DeSantis flies dozens of “illegal immigrants” to Martha’s Vineyard

Kari Lake interview airs after Hobbs refused to debate her


Obama sends midterm warning to woke Dems

Pelosi mocked for latest strategy on inflation

Ballotpedia- United States Senate Elections 2022

Warnock, Walker Square Off In GA Senate Debate

Ohio U.S. Senate debate between Tim Ryan, JD Vance

Marco Rubio, Val Demings debate in Florida Race for U.S. Senate


Stolen Elections

In America today public discourse has reached a fever pitch; the “Melting Pot” seems to be on the verge of boiling over sending us out of the proverbial pan and into the fire. The two-party system that has dominated our politics and our lives for the length and entirety thereof, seem to quite literally be ripping the country in two. With both major parties more and more frequently calling into question the validity of the American voter system, and the legitimacy of the vote itself – tensions and attitudes begin to grow taunt.

Without going into the back and forth that has been going on probably since the national elections of 2000, and similarly neglecting to get into the whole “who started it” line of discussion, I wanted to take a moment to bring something to the attention of all Americans and all people willing to take the time to read this article. The world recently saw a perfectly stark example of a stolen and rigged election; forced even.

Of course I am speaking of the elections held in the Russian occupied parts of Ukraine. These people had Russians bang on their door, point a gun in their faces, hand them a ballot and say “vote for Putin.” Of course the ballots came back 99% in favor of being annexed by Russia, and exactly as Putin wants them to.

To my fellow Americans and countrymen and to people all over this world: I pray that we may heed this example, and learn from it. May we learn to lower the temperature of our discourse surrounding elections and other incendiary topics of the day. May we remember why this country was founded. Our constitution spells out no quartering of troops, no unwarranted search and seizure, no forced self-implication, and so many other rights that I fear we may have forgotten or too often take for granted.

There are certain presidents, and certain elections that I have not found favorable. I don’t think it is wrong to doubt, question, or scrutinize. But at least we may all take comfort in knowing that no one is banging on our doors, putting guns in our faces, and forcing us to elect governments that we don’t approve. We are still quite a peaceful nation – despite the heat and fever pitch. I pray we may remain so, and that this Russian example be the last of its kind anywhere.

I have included references that you may interact with as you like, but I did not rely on any one of them heavily enough to cite them specifically. Thank you, and may God bless you, and may God bless America!

The Wicky Wacky Radio Show

It’s Octobeer!

Get your beer bellies ready again, folks. Reid and Frank are back with a classic Wicky Wacky episode. Oktoberfest happened recently. So what better reason to do some beer tasting.

In this episode, the guys taste 7 different Oktoberfest style beers. They have been mixed up by Reid’s brother, and Reid and Frank have to guess which brewery made the beer. Tune in to hear how well they did.

As always, please leave a rating, review, like, or comment if you enjoy what you hear. Be sure to share the show to spread the word. Don’t forget to check out our other show, Conservative Conversations, for our latest commentary on today’s news. Feel free to send us your feedback directly. All info can be found below. We’d love to hear from you.

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Oktoberfest Trivia

Music from Oktoberfest Schunkler no copyright bavarian music, royalty free (gemafrei

The Wicky Wacky Radio Show

Live from the Woods!

We’re live from the woods!

In this short, but fun episode, the hosts thought it would be fun to record a little show on-the-go. Frank and Reid record a show while on a camping trip. Frank, Reid, and Reid’s dad all went on a short camping trip in the Hawking Hills area of Ohio. Be sure to tune in to hear about their wicky and wacky adventures.

As always, please leave a rating, review, like, or comment if you enjoy what you hear. Be sure to share the show to spread the word. Don’t forget to check out our other show, Conservative Conversations, for our latest commentary on today’s news. Feel free to send us your feedback directly. All info can be found below. We’d love to hear from you.

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Conservative Conversations

The Queen is Dead, Midterms, and Student Loan Forgiveness.

Recorded on 09/26/2022. In this episode, Reid and Frank cover a few good topics. First, they talk about the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and what we think about it. They also discuss the Federal student loan forgiveness plan and the upcoming midterm elections. Tune in to hear all of this, and more.

If you enjoy our content, please remember to leave a rating and review where ever you get your podcasts. Be sure to also comment and subscribe to our show on Youtube. Please, share it with your friends to spread the word. You can send us your feedback and comments to us directly. Don’t forget to check out our other podcast, the Wicky Wacky Radio Show. All info can be found below.

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More Russians flee as country holds referendums in occupied areas of Ukraine

U.S. Warns Russia Of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ Over Nuclear Weapons

North Korea test-fires short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast

Nancy Pelosi booed during surprise appearance in NYC

Fox News Power Rankings: Democrats build momentum, but GOP still has the advantage

Queen Elizabeth II Dead at 96

President Biden Announces Student Loan Forgiveness