Our Stories

Parent’s Perspective; 9/11 Remembered

            “Took the kids to school and went to work like any normal day.

            Shortly after arriving to work, we got news that America was under attack by terrorists. My heart sank… could this really be possible?

            I took my break and walked over to the local hospital where I knew they would have televisions on in their waiting area. I saw the devastation; I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, such tragedy… I began to cry.

            Fear set in and all I could think about was my children… what was going to happen next? How many more terrorists could there be? Where might they attack next? Would they put us all on lockdown? How were the schools handling the news? Were the kids worried?

            At that moment I decided I was leaving work to go pick up the kids. I wanted the peace of mind knowing at least that we were all together, rather than worrying about them all day.”